Six years of my primary school time was just like a yesterday dream, then middle school, college… and now.
Memories are so far from me, I almost start to doubt about them, was it really my dream or I just made them up to myself? I met my primary school desk-mate ปิ่น มณี (it’s her Thai name, sounds like “Bin Manny”), and we talked about how we play, how we laugh when we were both on primary school. Suddenly I was like drowning into my memories, lots and lots of sounds, lots and lots of images came to my mind, I can almost touch them.
Manny was my best friend in primary school, my Mom knows her Mom well, but we lost contact after we went to the middle school and university. She will be graduated next year, and I was graduated last July.
She said: “Do you remember when we were in the first grade of our primary school? You helped me pick cherry on our way home.”
Again, I was drowning.
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